what are AS/NZS 3112 Plugs and socket-outlets test gauges?
AS/NZS 3112 Plugs and socket-outlets test gauges
Australian and New Zealand standard
Standard: AS/NZS 3112:2011
This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee EL-004, Electrical Accessories to supersede AS/NZS 3112:2011.Regulatory Authorities have accepted a transition period of 18 months for the requirements of particular clauses.InClause3.1.2,new requirements have been added. In Paragraphs J2.3, J4.3.1 and J4.8.2 through to J4.8.4.1 of Appendix J, new and pre-existing requirements are included, During the transition period the new requirements as detailed above may be applied in lieu of the pre-existing requirements. All other parts of this Standard take effect from the date of publication, The 'new requirement’ date of application(DOA) and the 'pre-existing’ date of withdrawal (DOW), where relevant, are indicated by the marginal bar against the part affected.
The objective of this Standard is to provide the Australian and New Zealand electrical industry, including manufacturers, test laboratories and regulators, with requirements and test methods for plugs and socket-outlets. This Standard is one of a series of approval and test specifications to be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3100, Approval and test specification-General requirements for electrical equipment, The purpose of this series is to outline conditions which need to be met to secure approval for the sale and use of electrical equipment, Only safety matters and related conditions are covered.
The essential safety requirements in AS/NZS 3820,Essential safety requirements for electrical equipment, which could be applicable to plugs and socket-outlets, are covered by this Standard, taken in conjunction with any other relevant requirements affecting safety.
the below table is the product list of AS/NZS 3112 Plugs and socket-outlets test gauges:
AS/NZS3112 Fig.3.1/10A/15A
Depth of No-contact test gauge
AS/NZS3112 Fig.3.6 Max 10A
Three-pin gauge
AS/NZS3112 Fig.3.7 Max 10A
Two-pin gauge
AS/NZS3112 Fig. A
Gauge for three-pin flat-pin plugs
AS/NZS3112 Fig. B
Gauge for two-pin flat-pin plugs with parallel pins
AS/NZS3112 Fig. C
Three-pin test plug with flat pins
AS/NZS3112 Fig. D
Three-pin test plug with flat pins for abnormal insertion test
AS/NZS3112 Fig. E
Plugs and socket-outlets for use in extra-low voltage circuits
AS/NZS3112 Fig. F
Three-pin test plug with flat and round pins